How to prep your medication.
We are excited for you to start your weight loss journey!
• Have alcohol swabs ready to maintain a clean injection site.
• Gather a sharps container for safe disposal of needles.
• Verify you’re using the correct syringe (an orange-capped insulin syringe).
• Verify the correct medication, dosage, and instructions.
• Wash hands thoroughly.
• Make sure you are comfortable and relaxed.
• Choose your injection site: thighs (front or outer thigh, do not inject inner thigh) or abdomen (about two inches away from your belly button in any direction).
1. Hold the syringe in your dominant hand with your thumb on the plunger.
2. If the medication appears separated, gently push up on the plunger three times to ensure it is fully settled at the bottom of the syringe.
3. Keep the lower lock cap attached to the syringe during this process.
4. Firmly twist off the sterile needle packaging, ensuring the cap on the needle remains attached and the needle stays unexposed.
5. Remove the lower lot cap from the syringe.
6. Firmly twist the sterile needle onto the syringe, ensuring it is securely attached.
7. Gently push up on the plunger to release any air from the syringe, stopping just before the medication reaches the top of the needle.
8. Remove the needle cap to expose the needle.
9. Push the plunger slightly until a small drop of medication appears at the tip of the needle.
10. Your syringe is now ready for injection.
• Immediately administer the medication after placing the needle on the syringe. If not immediately administered, the dose should be discarded.
• Clean the injection site with an alcohol swab and allow the area to dry.
• Pinch the injection site.
• Insert the needle at a direct 90-degree angle.
• Release the pinched skin and slowly inject the medicine.
• Withdraw the needle gently (press an alcohol swab to the site if needed, but do not rub).
• Dispose of the needle and syringe safely in a sharps container.